ARRRGGHHH!!!! Is it just me or does the effing laundry never STOP!!!!??? I just got finished folding & putting away about 10 loads yesterday. Now mind you, this was combined from our week & half long trip plus the pile up in the meantime. I hate folding & putting away so I usually do the laundry until it is pretty close to done and then spend a few hours folding putting away all at once. It sits on a table in corner of our super *tiny* living room. I bet you can all guess how much my hubby appreciates this. But really, with the 500 trains/cars/balls/stickers/crayons that constantly pollute the space, what the hell is the difference?
So getting back to the point, I cleared the table yesterday. John was VERY impressed! Guess what? As I sit here, giant iced coffee in hand, there is a new heaping pile on that same table directly behind me! WTF? How do we have so much laundry? I pretty much wear pjs every day (I've become very creative on how to "dress" them up to be suitable for errands, I'll save that for a later post). Granted, B is not fully potty trained, so that adds a bit, but how the hell do you do it if you have 2, 3, or 18 kids!!!??? (Crazy Duggars)
Okay now, because I promised myself that I am going to record things I'm grateful for, things I've accomplished, or things I've learned.....let's get to it!
Today's Happy List:
- I finished all my week's errands in an hour & a half! This left me with 1.5 hours of chill time before getting B from school....SCORE! I watched "Little Children". Very disturbing.
- Toward one of my goals of becoming more financially sane, I have been making my coffee at home. I make extra each morning, pour it into a bottle & store it in the fridge for a GIANT iced coffee in the afternoon (see "tons of laundry"!). This also supports my goal of creating a smaller carbon footprint. (More on goals in a later post....I'm not too organized with this blog thing....OH! Mental note to add that to the goal list!)
- I bought the new Purex Laundry sheets today! Toward my goal of "greening" my house & reducing the crap that clutters my tiny domicile. I know that this is not the MOST green alternative. I'm sure there is a site somewhere that could teach me how to clean my laundry with storm water I catch in a bucket, soap made from hemp, and a rock to beat them on. But the blog's called "SMALL" Steps...not "crazy hippie mommy". If anyone has any input on this matter, please share!
I think the moral of this story is that naked is good. I have been saying this for YEARS, and nobody will listen to me...
ReplyDeleteI always questioned nudists intentions, but now it makes perfect sense. Rent me space as well, would ya?